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Transitioning to In-Place Digital Exams at Scale

May 27 2025, 14:20 - 14:50 (AWST)

The University of Melbourne's approach to delivering 90,000 in-place exam sittings per semester and our ongoing shift from paper to digital

This session will provide a detailed overview of how the University of Melbourne mobilised its digital in-place exams strategy and next steps:     
●    Overview of the University’s Digital Transformation Strategy: The number of assessments delivered each semester and the different modes of exams supported, including fully digital, hybrid, and paper with digital marking workflows
●    Technology Solutions utilised: Canvas Classic Quiz, Cadmus x Respondus LockDown Browser and what's next: Technology available on the market to deliver digital in-place exams, those tried and tested and how changes and co-developed solutions with our vendors are taking shape, alongside new tools under exploration to support more digital modes
●    Infrastructure Needed to Deliver at Scale: All infrastructure needed to deliver in-place exams at scale, including hall space, power boards, laptops, internet reliability at scale
●    Cost Benefit Analysis: What is the cost-benefit analysis of in-place paper exams vs in-place digital exams 
●    Preparing Examination Stakeholders, Educators and Students for the Transition: How the university prepared educators and students for the transition, including communications strategies, on-the-day software and logistics preparation, and changes to workloads 
●    Exam Day Logistics: How the University prepared for exam day logistics, including setup, resourcing needed, whether students were put into fixed-placed seating or if it was a student-driven approach, and how reliability was safeguarded on the day 
●    Post Exam Logistics: An overview of the workloads post-exam sittings, including marking and feedback capabilities and any other core workloads that need to be accounted for