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Liane Joubert

Liane Joubert is a dedicated and experienced professional in the field of education and learning technologies. She currently serves as the Lecture Support Service Coordinator within ITS at the Australian National University1.

In this role, she has been involved in various activities within ANU and cross-institutionally, providing her with a valuable perspective on governance, support and communication between Central Service Divisions and Academic areas.

Over the past five years, Liane has focused on supporting academics in their teaching capacity, particularly in the realm of enabling and enhancing technologies, more specifically within the physical learning space. She has worked towards addressing larger issues that impact efficiencies related to staff development and support at ANU.

Liane formed part of a high-level working group established from various institutions with an ACODE membership, tasked with the development of a 9th Benchmark pertaining to Learning Spaces.

See Liane Joubert at THETA 2025